Chiropody | Podiatry | Physio | Orthotics | Footwear | Orthopaedic Shoe Modifications

Bartholomew Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 5JL


01403 276272


Chiropody | Podiatry | Physio | Orthotics | Footwear | Orthopaedic Shoe Modifications

Bartholomew Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 5JL


01403 276272


Over Pronation: What is it?

What is over-pronation? Depending on what you read around 60-70% of the population suffer from excessive or over pronation, but what determines what is ‘over or excessive’ when referring to pronation, there is no real criteria that says what is considered normal or...

Sesamoiditis Treatment (Big Toe Joint Pain)

Sesamoiditis Is a common pain that affects the forefoot usually located just behind the big toe on the ball of the foot. Sesamoiditis generally means an irritation of the sesamoid bones, which are two tiny bones within the tendons that run to the big toe. Every time...

Freibergs Infraction Treatment

Freibergs Infraction/ Osteochondritis Freiberg’s Infraction is an avascular necrosis usually of the 2nd metatarsal head, this means that there isn’t enough blood supply to the growth plate and is usually caused by repetitive microtrauma, which is why this...

Retrocalcaneal Bursitis

Retrocalcalneal Bursitis Retrocalcaneal is a very fancy name, which when broken down means swelling between the heel bone and the achilles tendon. A bursa is a sack of fluid that sits between a tendon and a bone to help the tendon move smoothly over the bone, with...