Injections for Joint Pain
The right choice of injection for your painful joint
The right choice of injection for your painful joint
Injection therapy of the knee, ankle and foot can be incorporated into your overall treatment plan which may already include stretching, shockwave therapy, icing and orthotic (insole) therapy.
Depending on the structures affected by your condition, injections can be used in or around joint/s and soft tissue structures such as muscles, tendons and ligaments.
There are three different types of injection therapy that are offered at Bartholomew Way that can help by reducing your painful inflammation and/or speeding up repair of your injured soft tissue or affected joint.
Take your first steps towards a life in less pain, book online, call us on 01403 276272 or send us an email on our contact page.

Steroids (corticosteroids e.g methylprednisolone)
These have a powerful anti-inflammatory action and can reduce the level of pain you are experiencing.
Injected into joints can give pain relief for osteoarthritic joints and can reduce the severe pain associated with gout.
Steroid injections have been used for decades and are known to cause shrinkage of inflamed tissue such as Morton’s neuroma and can also prove helpful in plantar fasciitis problems that have not responded to the more usual conservative treatment methods.
The effects of steroid injection can temporarily reduce the immune system, thin the normal natural fat pads that aid cushioning, increase the risk of rupture other soft tissue structures, increase blood sugar levels in diabetics and cause loss of skin pigmentation.
Hyaluronic acid (Ostenil).
Ostenil contains sodium hyalurinate (also known as hyaluronic acid or hyaluronan) a natural substance found between layers of tissues that require elimination of friction e.g joint cartilage and synovial fluid of joints.
It works by restoring the normal balance between the breakdown and production of sodium hyaluronate within joints. This is known as “visco supplementation” decreasing pain and stiffness which improves the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It works in joints by lubricating, transporting nutrients and filtrating out inflammatory molecules (reducing inflammation).
As Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced by our bodies and Ostenil is free of animal proteins it is highly unlikely to cause an allergic reaction.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)- USE PAUSED FROM 12/6/23
Using a small amount (20ml) of your own blood a centrifuge can be used to separate your plasma from the red and white blood cells.
This plasma contains platelets which not only have the ability to cause blood clotting when you cut yourself but also contain growth factors (proteins) that play a key role in your bodies natural healing process and tissue regeneration.
Injected into osteoarthritic joints, it is thought it can delay the progress of the disease, improve joint rigidity, reduce inflammation, improve function and mobility (however, there is poor scientific evidence).
Injected into and around soft tissues PRP can reduce pain, reduce inflammation, minimise the effects / prevent relapse of injuries and speed up the return to normal activity.
Injection Therapy Fee Scale
Achieve resolution with injection therapy. Steroid Injections, Hyluronic Acid & PRP Injections are £250.
Book your initial assessment with Chris Nelson to determine your suitability and take your first steps towards a life in less pain, book online, call us on 01403 276272 or send us an email on our contact page.
Where Are We?
How to find us
We are situated in the Holbrook area of Horsham; off Rusper Road coming from Horsham town centre, or off the A264 from Crawley and Gatwick. Located opposite the Holbrook Doctors’ Surgery, within a small parade of shops. See our find us page for maps, or scroll to this page footer.
For an appointment or chat with our therapists call Jackie, Michelle, Louise or Alison our receptionists, on 01403 276272.
Alternatively use our contact us page. Evening and some weekend appointments are available, allowing you to fit your appointment into your busy schedule.
Our Facility?
About Our Clinic
We have four modern, air-conditioned treatment rooms, ensuring total privacy for all patients.
- Comfortable waiting area.
- Convenient parking at the front of the clinic, including disabled spaces.
- Disabled toilet facilities onsite. All ground floor, ease of access throughout.
- Footwear Solutions is our on-site shoe shop, staffed by our podiatrists and professional shoe fitters. We hope to offer the best shoe solution to help solve your foot problem.
Call us on 01403 276272 or use our contact us page to see how we can help you.